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Number of Videos 1,400,000+
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GotPorn - gotporn.com

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GotPorn is a streaming porn tube site that offers a huge selection of user-submitted and partner content including 1.4 million videos, photo galleries, model listings, and partnering channels, along with linking to LiveJasmin, one of the biggest cam model sites on the web. There's also a link labeled CASINO, that goes to a website that I am not about to review and looks way too sketchy. It's not part of any website network, but they do have channels for over 1000 partnering sites, with some big names like Brazzers, MOFOS and RealityKings from adult media giant MindGeek, along with some much more niche ones like BluePillMen and GrandpasFuckTeens, which is exactly what you think it is.

By the numbers, GotPorn is the 446th most trafficked site on the web, ranked 424 in the US. As of October 2023 they are averaging 105.85 million hits a month, the majority coming from the US, Germany and France.

GotPorn Content

GotPorn offers roughly 1.45 million streaming videos, with the standard tube site options to sort them by featured, most popular, most viewed, recommended, recently added and length. I appreciate that the search bar includes a Straight/Gay/Transsexual toggle, similar to the ones found on pages like Spankwire.com. The main page header also includes the top trending tags, which is nice if you're looking for suggestions. However, be warned that the last one, #Pornstar, is a stealth link to Brazzers.

Video content appears to include a lot of sample videos from channel partners that usually clock in at 6 minutes, along with your usual tube site fare of media from major studio sites, amateur clips from across the web, cam girl shows and videos from clip sale sites like Clips4Sale. Streaming media from SD to HD definition, with the HD content identified by an icon before the title and the option to only display and search HD videos. On mouseover, video links will show a preview slideshow, which is a nice feature, but fully animated previews are the high-water mark now.

The video player offers very basic options, your usual play/pause and full screen toggle, with no other exciting features. Video descriptions give full details, including tags, views, favorites and generally link to 20+ related videos featuring the same performer or content. The side bar offers a sampling of other videos from the affiliated network, further reinforcing the knowledge that the majority of the content is previews for pay sites.

GotPorn treats its photo album section with more respect than some competing sites, with searchable tags and a listing of popular tags in the header, but with no other real options for browsing or sorting. These albums mostly contain studio photo shoots, the kind that are usually done alongside filming a scene, and come complete with a link to the participating pay site. There's plenty of user-submitted amateur content as well, but its all very mainstream and difficult to separate from the other galleries that are essentially ads for pay sites.

GotPorn Video

GotPorn Categories

GotPorn offers 74 categories, including the traditional mainstream options of Amateur, Anal, Big Boobs, Hentai, Lesbian, MILF, Teen, etc. The majority of these are your standard mainstream options, but there's a bit of unique options like Emo, FemDom, Old and Young (there's a ton of this stuff on here). Categories also get the Straight/Gay/Trans toggle. Each category comes with an exact listing of how many videos are included, with some massive catalogs for ones like Teen (34,694) and Amateur (33,932) and Blonde (34,808). Even the smaller categories still manage to have triple-digit libraries, like Celebrity (223) and Brazilian (863), although the VR category has yet to see an entry. There tends to be a lot of similar/overlapping categories, like Big Boobs and Busty, or Black and Ebony, or Asian with separate Japanese, JAV and Korean categories.

The category page also includes a full tag list, which runs the full gamut of niches, fetishes and just plain strangeness, with specific tags for things like Virgin Man (1,818 tags!), Vegetable (41?) and Saggy (773). Both categories and tags also have the “Give Me a Random Link” for when you're lacking direction or feeling adventurous.

Star Power

Instead of a pornstar ranking, GotPorn offers a Models page complete with rankings and those currently online. This is basically an extension of their LiveJasmin connection, providing a page for web cam performer profiles. There is an archive of video and photo media to accompany each model, along with an embedded stream preview for those currently online. Videos generally direct back to their channel partner pages, which continues to give the entire website a pervasive sense of being mostly ads for other sites. Popular pornstars like Lisa Ann and Riley Reid can be found by searching their names, usually with dozens of results, but GotPorn has decided to focus more on their affiliated cam site than on big name star power.


GotPorn is part of no larger website network, unless you count the LiveJasmin profiles, 900+ pay site channels and multiple sneaky links to Brazzers.


GotPorn has the unique option of allowing users to create accounts without an email address. Just type in a username and password and you're good to go, no paper trail. I initially found this prospect exciting, but quickly soured on it once I noticed that there was no captcha either. No security in place at all to prevent thousands and thousands of spammers and bots to generate endless accounts. Featured videos had 15+ comments, each from accounts ending with a 4 digit number and linking to a kik. Non-bot users are able to upload and favorite media and subscribe to channels, but none of these features are particularly unique or exciting.

The Money Shot

GotPorn gets a lot of things right with its interface and presentation, especially with the top trending tags being posted front and center, tons of categories, a sizable library, and a photo album section that has some actual content and organization. The actual quality of the available media is what really drags this site down – nearly every video, photo album and model page is a preview for a pay site. And thanks to the complete inundation by spam bots, there's no community to speak of, making every link feel even more like an ad and even less trustworthy. Couple that with some sneaky links to outside sites and an honest-to-fuckin-God Casino site, and every positive feature of this site is completely eroded by its glaring skeeziness.

Site Stats

Number of Videos 1,400,000+
HD Videos Yes
Picture Sets Yes
Mobile Friendly Yes

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