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Subscribers 660,000+
Number of posts per day 25
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Videos Yes

/r/bustypetite - www.reddit.com/r/bustypetite

User Rating:

Who doesn't love a petite girl with fat titties? That's exactly what you'll find at /r/bustypetite. All of these girls have gigantic boobs and a tiny waist. One of reddit’s favorite porn subs, /r/bustypetite hosts around 660,000 subscribers and has about 25 posts a day. We here at porn explosion think these are some of the sexiest pictures you will find on reddit. /r/bustypetite is a good mixture between amateur and professional models.

The main rules of this sub are no photoshop, so no weird distorted boobs of any kind. Nothing illegal, nothing too spammy and all posts must be suitable for /r/bustypetite. That means, the moderators are looking for someone with the exact right proportions. They are looking for that perfect combination of busty and skinny. So if you are looking for more of a thick and curvy look, you might do a little better over at /r/thick or /r/curvy. But if you are looking for a fit girl with some awesome titties then take a look at /r/bustypetite.

Subreddit Stats

Subscribers 660,000+
Number of posts per day 25
Picture sets Yes
Videos Yes

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